Online Registration for the 16th EFORT Congress


Congress Center Prague   16th EFORT Congress
Prague, Czech Republic: 27 - 29 May 2015
  Browser requirements

PCC outside.jpg
5. Kvetna 65
140 21 Prague 4


The registration process is easily completed in a few steps.

Important information

  • Your registration will not be confirmed until we have received your payment in full.
  • You must complete all steps for your registration to be accepted. It is not possible to save an incomplete registration and come back to it later
  • PDF form can be found here. Using the Registration form is subject to an additional EUR 19 administration charge.
  Internet Explorer: 8.0 or higher
FireFox: 5.0 or higher
Chrome: 16 or higher
Screen resolution: 1024x768 or higher
Other: JavaScript, Cookies Enabled

If you have received a booking code by mail, please enter it below and click the button afterwards.